Monday, March 9, 2020

The Walking in Between

Worship night for our Young Adult ministry 18:20--the name is inspired 
from Matthew 18:20 which says: "where two or three gather in my name there I am with them." 

Ben Rector's The Walking in Between album came out when I was in high school. 

In his song "I like You" he sings: "There are way too many love songs, and I think they've got it all wrong 'cause life is not the mountain tops, it's the walking in between and I like you walking next to me."

This song wasn't intended to be a love song to God, but that's what it has become to me. 

As I am at the beginning of my fourth month of support raising, this song, long since tucked away in old memory boxes covered in dust, has found its way into the forefront of my mind.

This hasn't been a mountain top season. 

I have called churches who inform me they don't have the funds to support another missionary.

I have sat through meetings with people who I was sure would be excited about how the Lord was working in my life, only to be met with skepticism and cynicism. What was supposed to be an encouraging conversation and an invitation to join me in the ministry turned into an interrogation and a departure that left me feeling very, very small. 

The funds and support I thought God would open up the floodgates and pour down from heaven have trickled slowly, patiently, and in his own timing. 

But to each small group I have visited so far, to every individual meeting I have made, to every church I have presented at, there God has been holding my hand, walking beside me. 

I think God has us do things the hard way sometimes, not because he doesn't have the power to do things quickly or miraculously, but because he desires for us to grow in abiding in him, to grow in trusting him, and to grow in relationship with him. 

We think walking with God is comprised of these incredible highs or incredible lows. Yes, God is present when we hit rock bottom. Yes, God is present when we watch him move in awe inspiring ways that showcase his glory and power. 

I have watched him move in powerful ways. I have watched God respond to prayers quickly and with great gusto. 

God literally placed the opportunity of going to Brazil in my lap. I prayed about an open door into missions when I left for Kusel, Germany and within days of the conference I had already been extended an invitation to join David and Sarah in Arcoverde, Pernambuco Brazil. 

But what about the walking in between? 

Yes, God is present in the walking in between. He's present when it feels like nothing is moving, nothing is happening and life is just one day after the next of the same tired thing. 

At month four, I stand at almost 40% of my monthly goal. God has not been absent in this journey. He's been walking with me, encouraging me, and reminding me again and again that this is the path he has put me on. 

He's been prompting the hearts of those who hear my story, and I thank God for their obedience to that prompting and their generosity to his kingdom. God takes great delight in an obedient, cheerful, giving heart. 

But I would be lying if I said that I feel encouraged in his timing every day. Most days, I feel discouraged. Most days, I feel that God is moving too slowly. Most days, I feel like my efforts aren't really amounting to much. 

In these four months, I have been to almost seven small groups at my church, had over 20 individual meetings, and presented at two churches. I have been met with love, enthusiasm and encouragement. 

If you had asked me before I started this journey, I would have assumed after all that work I would be fully funded. I would have assumed after going to seven small groups, two churches and meeting with more than 20 people individually, I would have raised every penny I needed. 

Instead, I have been walking slowly with Christ, watching his patient, careful work. 

I have watched Christ prompt hearts of those I never asked. 

I have watched Christ prompt the heart of a family who hasn't been going to my church long at all, to invite me in their home, make a Brazilian meal for my presentation, ask questions, and commit to supporting me on a monthly basis. 

I have watched Christ prompt the pastors in my church to invite me to be a missions intern for the summer at my church.

I have watched Christ prompt my own heart to be present now, to minister now, to teach and reach out and love my neighbors now. He's taught me to slow down, be patient, and to watch him work.   

The women's bible study we started in August with two women has now grown to nine. 

The young adult ministry 18:20 we began with four has now grown to thirteen. 

There are days when I feel so astonished at the work he has been able to do in my time home. He has given me encouraging, beautiful friendships I never could have asked for. He has given me opportunities to serve, encourage and pour into others. He has given me the opportunity to be refined, challenged and grown. 

I have been challenged to pray more often, more specifically, and to pray with more faith. I pray that the Lord will bring alongside me faithful partners in ministry, those who will commit to pray and fund. 

I am praying for five more partners in ministry this month. 

I am praying for a chance to speak at 3 more churches this month.

Please join me in praying. 

If you feel led to join me in this ministry go to 

Practical Counsel w/ Paul

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